General Information of DBT (ID: ET0O4VY)
Liver lipid-binding protein (L-FABP)
Synonyms    Click to Show/Hide the Synonyms of This DBT
Fatty acid-binding protein 1; L-FABP; Liver-type fatty acid-binding protein; SCP; Squalene- and sterol-carrier protein; Z-protein; p14; Fatty acid-binding protein, liver; FABP1
Family Other protein families (OPF)  >>  Fatty acid binding protein (FABP)
Homo sapiens (Human)
Gene Name FABP1 Gene ID
UniProt ID FABPL_HUMAN (click to find more protein-related data of this DBT)
TTD ID T73712 (click to find more therapeutic target data of this DBT)
   Click to Show/Hide the Molecular/Function Data (Sequence/Function) of This Target
Plays a role in lipoprotein-mediated cholesterol uptake in hepatocytes. Binds cholesterol. Binds free fatty acids and their coenzyme A derivatives, bilirubin, and some other small molecules in the cytoplasm. May be involved in intracellular lipid transport.
Full List of Drug Inactive Ingredients (DIGs) Regulating This DBT
          DIG Name: Oleic acid Click to Show/Hide
             Detailed Information DIG Info click to show the detail info of this DIG
             Functional Class    Click to Show/Hide the Functional Class of This DIG
Emulsifying agent; Penetration agent; Solubilizing agent
             Experiment for Assessing the Biological Activity of This DIG on the Studied DBT
                   Biological Activity Ki = 180 nM (tested by experiment) [1]
                   Tested Species Rattus norvegicus (Rat)
                   UniProt ID FABPL_RAT
1 Characterization of the drug binding specificity of rat liver fatty acid binding protein. J Med Chem. 2008 Jul 10; 51(13):3755-64.

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