General Information of DFM (ID: F23891)
Selumetinib 10 mg capsule
Astrazeneca Pharmaceuticals
Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) Selumetinib API Info click to show the detail info of this API
Drug Inactive Ingredient (DIGs)
DIG ID DIG Info DIG Name DIG Functional Class
E01ILZ DIG Info Ammonium hydroxide Alkalizing agent
E0VV5N DIG Info Carrageenan Emulsion stabilizing agent ...
E0T2WF DIG Info Ferric oxide black Colorant
E0T4YW DIG Info Hypromellose Coating agent
E02GBG DIG Info Potassium chloride Tonicity agent
E0M1JK DIG Info Propylene glycol Antimicrobial preservative ...
E0WM1T DIG Info Shellac Coating agent ...
E05BSD DIG Info Titanium dioxide Coating agent ...
E01NLA DIG Info Tocophersolan Antioxidant ...
E0H2SC DIG Info Water Solvent
Full List of Biological Targets of DIG (DBTs) Regulated by DIG(s) in This DFM
      Oxidoreductase (ORase)
            DBT Name: Albendazole monooxygenase (CYP3A4) Click to Show/Hide
               Detailed Information DBT Info click to show the detail info of this DBT
               Experiment (1) for Assessing the Biological Activity of the Studied DIG on This DBT
                    Interacting DIG Propylene glycol
                    Biological Activity Inhibition ratio < 20 % (tested by experiment) [1]
                    Tested Species Homo sapiens (Human)
                    UniProt ID CP3A4_HUMAN
               Experiment (2) for Assessing the Biological Activity of the Studied DIG on This DBT
                    Interacting DIG Hypromellose
                    Biological Activity Protein expression upregulation (tested by experiment) [2]
                    Tested Species Homo sapiens (Human)
                    UniProt ID CP3A4_HUMAN
               Experiment (3) for Assessing the Biological Activity of the Studied DIG on This DBT
                    Interacting DIG Hypromellose
                    Biological Activity Protein expression downregulation (tested by experiment) [2]
                    Tested Species Homo sapiens (Human)
                    UniProt ID CP3A4_HUMAN
               Experiment (4) for Assessing the Biological Activity of the Studied DIG on This DBT
                    Interacting DIG Tocophersolan
                    Biological Activity EC50 = 28.3 uM (tested by experiment) [3]
                    Tested Species Homo sapiens (Human)
                    UniProt ID CP3A4_HUMAN
               Experiment (5) for Assessing the Biological Activity of the Studied DIG on This DBT
                    Interacting DIG Tocophersolan
                    Biological Activity IC50 = 150 uM (tested by experiment) [4]
                    Tested Species Homo sapiens (Human)
                    UniProt ID CP3A4_HUMAN
            DBT Name: Cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) Click to Show/Hide
               Detailed Information DBT Info click to show the detail info of this DBT
               Experiment (1) for Assessing the Biological Activity of the Studied DIG on This DBT
                    Interacting DIG Hypromellose
                    Biological Activity IC50 = 253.5 uM (tested by experiment) [3]
                    Tested Species Homo sapiens (Human)
                    UniProt ID CP2E1_HUMAN
               Experiment (2) for Assessing the Biological Activity of the Studied DIG on This DBT
                    Interacting DIG Tocophersolan
                    Biological Activity IC50 = 547.3 uM (tested by experiment) [3]
                    Tested Species Homo sapiens (Human)
                    UniProt ID CP2E1_HUMAN
            DBT Name: Cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9) Click to Show/Hide
               Detailed Information DBT Info click to show the detail info of this DBT
               Experiment (1) for Assessing the Biological Activity of the Studied DIG on This DBT
                    Interacting DIG Tocophersolan
                    Biological Activity EC50 = 40.1 uM (tested by experiment) [3]
                    Tested Species Homo sapiens (Human)
                    UniProt ID CP2C9_HUMAN
               Experiment (2) for Assessing the Biological Activity of the Studied DIG on This DBT
                    Interacting DIG Tocophersolan
                    Biological Activity IC50 = 300 uM (tested by experiment) [4]
                    Tested Species Homo sapiens (Human)
                    UniProt ID CP2C9_HUMAN
            DBT Name: Mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase (CYP2C19) Click to Show/Hide
               Detailed Information DBT Info click to show the detail info of this DBT
               Experiment (1) for Assessing the Biological Activity of the Studied DIG on This DBT
                    Interacting DIG Hypromellose
                    Biological Activity EC50 = 211.8 uM (tested by experiment) [3]
                    Tested Species Homo sapiens (Human)
                    UniProt ID CP2CJ_HUMAN
               Experiment (2) for Assessing the Biological Activity of the Studied DIG on This DBT
                    Interacting DIG Tocophersolan
                    Biological Activity EC50 = 114.8 uM (tested by experiment) [3]
                    Tested Species Homo sapiens (Human)
                    UniProt ID CP2CJ_HUMAN
            DBT Name: Debrisoquine 4-hydroxylase (CYP2D6) Click to Show/Hide
               Detailed Information DBT Info click to show the detail info of this DBT
               Experiment (1) for Assessing the Biological Activity of the Studied DIG on This DBT
                    Interacting DIG Hypromellose
                    Biological Activity EC50 = 159.3 uM (tested by experiment) [3]
                    Tested Species Homo sapiens (Human)
                    UniProt ID CP2D6_HUMAN
               Experiment (2) for Assessing the Biological Activity of the Studied DIG on This DBT
                    Interacting DIG Tocophersolan
                    Biological Activity IC50 = 84 uM (tested by experiment) [3]
                    Tested Species Homo sapiens (Human)
                    UniProt ID CP2D6_HUMAN
            DBT Name: Cytochrome P450 3A5 (CYP3A5) Click to Show/Hide
               Detailed Information DBT Info click to show the detail info of this DBT
               Experiment (1) for Assessing the Biological Activity of the Studied DIG on This DBT
                    Interacting DIG Hypromellose
                    Biological Activity IC50 = 19.4 uM (tested by experiment) [3]
                    Tested Species Homo sapiens (Human)
                    UniProt ID CP3A5_HUMAN
               Experiment (2) for Assessing the Biological Activity of the Studied DIG on This DBT
                    Interacting DIG Tocophersolan
                    Biological Activity EC50 = 420.6 uM (tested by experiment) [3]
                    Tested Species Homo sapiens (Human)
                    UniProt ID CP3A5_HUMAN
      Lyase/isomerase/ligase (L/I/G)
            DBT Name: Carbonic anhydrase IV (CA4) Click to Show/Hide
               Detailed Information DBT Info click to show the detail info of this DBT
               Experiment for Assessing the Biological Activity of the Studied DIG on This DBT
                    Interacting DIG Potassium chloride
                    Biological Activity Ki = 90000 nM (tested by experiment) [5]
                    Tested Species Homo sapiens (Human)
                    UniProt ID CAH4_HUMAN
            DBT Name: Cholesterol 25-hydroxylase (CYP1A2) Click to Show/Hide
               Detailed Information DBT Info click to show the detail info of this DBT
               Experiment (1) for Assessing the Biological Activity of the Studied DIG on This DBT
                    Interacting DIG Hypromellose
                    Biological Activity EC50 = 106.7 uM (tested by experiment) [3]
                    Tested Species Homo sapiens (Human)
                    UniProt ID CP1A2_HUMAN
               Experiment (2) for Assessing the Biological Activity of the Studied DIG on This DBT
                    Interacting DIG Tocophersolan
                    Biological Activity EC50 = 208.8 uM (tested by experiment) [3]
                    Tested Species Homo sapiens (Human)
                    UniProt ID CP1A2_HUMAN
      Primary active transporter (PAT)
            DBT Name: Multidrug resistance protein 1 (ABCB1) Click to Show/Hide
               Detailed Information DBT Info click to show the detail info of this DBT
               Experiment (1) for Assessing the Biological Activity of the Studied DIG on This DBT
                    Interacting DIG Tocophersolan
                    Biological Activity Inhibition ratio = 50 % (tested by experiment) [6]
                    Tested Species Homo sapiens (Human)
                    UniProt ID MDR1_HUMAN ; MDR3_HUMAN ; ABCB5_HUMAN
               Experiment (2) for Assessing the Biological Activity of the Studied DIG on This DBT
                    Interacting DIG Tocophersolan
                    Biological Activity Inhibition ratio > 200 % (tested by experiment) [7]
                    Tested Species Homo sapiens (Human)
                    UniProt ID MDR1_HUMAN ; MDR3_HUMAN ; ABCB5_HUMAN
      Cell line (CELL)
            DBT Name: Colon cancer Caco-2 cells (Caco-2) Click to Show/Hide
               Detailed Information DBT Info click to show the detail info of this DBT
               Experiment (1) for Assessing the Biological Activity of the Studied DIG on This DBT
                    Interacting DIG Hypromellose
                    Biological Activity Promotion ratio > 18 % (tested by experiment) [8]
                    Tested Species Homo sapiens (Human)
               Experiment (2) for Assessing the Biological Activity of the Studied DIG on This DBT
                    Interacting DIG Hypromellose
                    Biological Activity Promotion ratio > 27 % (tested by experiment) [8]
                    Tested Species Homo sapiens (Human)
1 Pharmaceutical excipients inhibit cytochrome P450 activity in cell free systems and after systemic administration. Eur J Pharm Biopharm. 2008 Sep;70(1):279-88.
2 Effects of commonly used excipients on the expression of CYP3A4 in colon and liver cells. Pharm Res. 2010 Aug;27(8):1703-12.
3 Mediation of in vitro cytochrome p450 activity by common pharmaceutical excipients. Mol Pharm. 2013 Jul 1;10(7):2739-48.
4 Effects of non-ionic surfactants on cytochrome P450-mediated metabolism in vitro. Eur J Pharm Biopharm. 2011 May;78(1):166-72.
5 Characterization and anions inhibition studies of an -carbonic anhydrase from the teleost fish Dicentrarchus labrax. Bioorg Med Chem. 2011 Jan 15; 19(2):744-8.
6 Vitamin E-TPGS increases absorption flux of an HIV protease inhibitor by enhancing its solubility and permeability. Pharm Res. 1999 Dec;16(12):1812-7.
7 Effect of excipients on breast cancer resistance protein substrate uptake activity. J Control Release. 2007 Dec 4;124(1-2):1-5.
8 Interactions between human multidrug resistance related protein (MRP2; ABCC2) and excipients commonly used in self-emulsifying drug delivery systems (SEDDS). Int J Pharm. 2013 Apr 15;447(1-2):192-8.

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